Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/15/19 When Your Faith is Tested By Life Johnny Felker N/A Sun PM Worship Sunday_Evening_Worship-_Johnny_Felker-_When_Your_Faith_Is_Tested_By_Life_-_2019-09-15_Recording_-_Ch01__Ch_2.mp3
09/15/19 Three Crosses Johnny Felker N/A Sun AM Worship SundayMorningSermonJohnnyFelker-091519_-_Ch01__Ch_2.mp3
09/19/18 Working for the Creams of Life Paul Sheehan N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2018-09-19_PaulSheehanWednesday.mp3
09/18/18 Rejoice, and Again I Say Rejoice! Paul Sheehan N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2018-09-18_PaulSheehanTuesday.mp3
09/17/18 Defeating the Giants Paul Sheehan N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2018-09-17_PaulSheehanMonday.mp3
09/16/18 I'm Not Ashamed to Own My Lord Paul Sheehan N/A Sun PM Worship 2018-09-16_Paul_Sheehan_pm.mp3
09/16/18 Bring Christ Your Broken Life Paul Sheehan N/A Sun AM Worship 2018-09-16_Paul_Sheehan_am.mp3
04/25/18 To Whom Would You Compare Jesus? Jim Deason N/A Spring Gospel Meeting 2018-04-25_JimDeasonWednesdayNight.mp3
04/24/18 Dorcas Jim Deason N/A Spring Gospel Meeting 2018-04-24_JimDeasonTuesdayNight.mp3
04/23/18 The Rich Young Ruler Jim Deason N/A Spring Gospel Meeting 2018-04-23_Jim_DeasonMondayNight.mp3
04/22/18 Resisting Temptation Successfully Jim Deason N/A Sun AM Worship 2018-04-22_Jim_Deason_am.mp3
04/22/18 Faith, Commitment & Conviction Jim Deason N/A Sun PM Worship 2018-04-22_Jim_Deason_pm.mp3
10/18/17 Galatians 6:1-10 Dee Bowman N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2017-10-18_Dee_Bowman-Wednesday_-_Ch01__Ch_3.mp3
10/17/17 I Corinthians 13 Dee Bowman N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2017-10-17_Dee_Bowman-Tuesday_-_Ch01__Ch_2.mp3
10/16/17 Philippians 2 Dee Bowman N/A Fall Gospel Meeting 2017-10-16_Dee_Bowman-Monday_-_Ch01__Ch_3.mp3
10/15/17 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Dee Bowman N/A Sun AM Worship 2017-10-15_Dee_Bowman_-_Ch01__Ch_3.mp3
04/26/17 Enter In the Narrow Way Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Spring Gospel Meeting 2017-04-26_Gerry_Sandusky_Wednesday.mp3
04/25/17 Telling The Gospel Message Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Spring Gospel Meeting 2017-04-25_Gerry_Sandusky_Tuesday.mp3
04/24/17 Getting Along With One Another Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Spring Gospel Meeting 2017-04-24_Gerry_Sandusky_Monday.mp3
04/23/17 An Invitation From Jesus Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Sun PM Worship 2017-04-23_Gerry_Sandusky_Sunday_PM.mp3
04/23/17 The Two Great Commandments Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Bible Class 2017-04-23_Sunday_Morning_Gerry_Sandusky.mp3
04/23/17 "The Whole Need Not a Physician" Gerry Sandusky Weightier Matters Sun AM Worship Gary_Sandusky_Sunday_first_sermon.mp3
09/15/16 When Islam Asks Andrew Roberts Exploring Islam & Christianity Fall Gospel Meeting 2016-09-15_Andrew_Roberts-When_Islam_Asks.mp3
09/14/16 Islam & Evangelism Andrew Roberts Exploring Islam & Christianity Fall Gospel Meeting 2016-09-14_Andrew_Roberts-Islam_and_Evangelism.mp3
09/13/16 Examining Jesus and Muhammad Andrew Roberts Exploring Islam & Christianity Fall Gospel Meeting 2016-09-13_Andrew_Roberts.mp3

Displaying 1 - 25 of 80

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